Introducing NitroLyo™: LN2 Cooling Method for Freeze Drying
Meets the Zero Global Warming Potential (GWP) Criteria
Our new series of NitroLyo Freeze Dryers uses liquid nitrogen (LN2) for cooling, a method that not only meets the Zero Global Warming Potential (GWP) criteria but ensures the highest performance and reliability available. Natural refrigerants such as LN2 possess minimal to zero GWP values and do not deplete the ozone layer, positioning them as eco-friendly substitutes for synthetic refrigerants.
The NitroLyo Series is engineered to provide more robust system performance, enabling protocol transfer without modification. These freeze dryers are designed to eliminate as many moving parts as possible to dramatically improve system reliability and reduce maintenance and repair costs. NitroLyo is offered as an alternative to our standard mechanical refrigeration.
Advantages of LN2 Cooling
• Zero GWP
• Eliminates fluorinated refrigerants
• Non-flammable gas
• No proprietary technology
• Known and trusted method of cooling
• Quiet operation
• Improved system reliability
• Reduced maintenance expenses
• Easy to implement without changing existing protocols
• No need for room air conditioning or water cooling
• Cost of operation is the same as mechanical refrigeration

NitroLyo Series Freeze Dryers
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40+ Years of Experience in Pharmaceutical Freeze Drying
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Continuous improvement of pharmaceutical freeze drying performance and process
Designed to be more robust and reliable than the competition
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Put Our Expertise to Work for You
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Optimizing Freeze Drying Scale-Up from Lab to Production